A very simple card on the blog today, one to make if you’re running out of time or perhaps want to mass produce them for family / friends. This card takes just 3 supplies plus ink and adhesive. Amazingly quick to make and can be reproduced in a number of colour ways!
I chose to showcase Merry Merlot, a lovely reddish purple colour which is just perfect for the Festive Season. Teamed with the Specialty Designer Series Paper, Joyous Noel – which features a gorgeous foiled effect.
To add a little ‘something’ to this card, I stamped my sentiment onto a piece of vellum. This not only added an extra layer and texture to the card, but it provided some masking of the background to make the wording stand out a little more. I absolutely love it!
Hope you have enjoyed this.
Best Wishes,
Supply List: